Monday, January 12, 2009

Someday a mist creature is going to eat me...

I hate fog. It's creepy, and clammy, and things can hide in it and jump out at you when you're not expecting it. And we all know I hate that. I actually should have mentioned it in my Fear post, because it's right up there with 8 legged critters. This morning there was an extremely pea soupy fog out and I actually woke poor David up and made him come to the door and watch me get into the car. He was mostly asleep so he really wouldn't have been much good if something had tried to get me, but I felt better knowing he was standing there.

I blame Stephen King for this.

During 8th grade I was going through a "Stephen King is the best writer EVER!" phase. What can I say? We had briefly moved to Lebanon, Ohio, I was in a brand new (although wonderful... *sigh*...the memories...) school, it was a time of upheaval in my life, I turned to horror fiction. Better that than drugs I say. Blood and Gore! My Anti-Drug! Anyway, I read his short story called "The Mist".

Now, just so you know, I can't stand horror movies. Not even mildly suspenseful dramas in fact. I'm really traumatized by anything visual honestly. But books? Not a problem. I have pretty good recall of the printed word, I can find any paragraph you want to read in any book that I've ever read remarkably quickly, but the emotions or whatever of what I'm reading just kind of roll off me. Or at least that's the explanation I'm giving for the fact that I read every book Stephen King had published to that point, at the tender age of 13, and didn't bat at eye at any of them.

Except "The Mist". You really should read the Wiki page that I linked above if you want a synopsis, but basically, a dense fog rolls in bringing scary creatures with it, death and destruction ensue. And apparently that book tied right into my fear of things popping out at me and made a little home in my not-so-subconscious.

So now, every time it's the least bit foggy? Yeah, I start looking around for the mist creatures. And boy do I get freaked out.

So, honey? If it's foggy tomorrow morning, don't be surprised if you get an early wake up call...


Sprite's Keeper said...

I did the EXACT SAME THING when I was a kid! I loved Stephen King, the most memorable being "It". I can't watch horror movies, hate them, but give me a book and I don't care about the scary stuff. Now, I tend to turn to more Nora Roberts, but I'm the same way with paragraphs, even sentences. I can recall where in the book almost down to the page and where on the page it appeared. Weird!

Rachel said...

oooooooh. even weirder? I now also turn to Nora Roberts...