Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm a little afraid. Which is fitting for this time of year...

Yesterday, Lilli wasn't allowed to have a toy she wanted (it was time for bed and we were cleaning up, we weren't being mean for fun) and reacted in a way that makes me very nervous. She started to cry a little bit in frustration, grabbed another toy, glared at David, threw that toy down on the floor, and turned around and literally stormed off. Like she was 15 YEARS old instead of 15 months.

Today (as we left the house really late for our weekly library trip), Elizabeth heard a dog barking out in the dark somewhere. It startled her and so she said, "I'm scary (by which she meant "scared"), Mama. Hmmmm. I'm scary, RACHEL". Isn't she supposed to wait to start calling me by my first name until she's old enough to be sassy?

I think I'm in for some trouble.


Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, you're in trouble. Sprite has been calling us by our first names for months now. She thinks it's funny. We think it's rude. Actually, John corrects her. I think it's funny too. I'm bad like that. :-)

Casey said...

My son does the angry toy throwing too. I think we're in for a long ride over here. He hasn't started using our names yet so I guess it's something...