Thursday, August 20, 2009

Spin Cycle: Pastime of choice

For the second week in a row I'm having a problem with the Spin Cycle topic.

Why? Because I can't narrow down the topic! It's books/reading, and of course any spin we want to put on the topic. But we're talking about one of my most favorite things and I can't seem to pick an angle. So I'm approaching this from the list perspective: 15 semi-interesting facts about books, or me, or the two of us together.

1. I taught myself to read at age four with the book "Whose Mouse Are You?"

2. I am delighted by the fact that Elizabeth also loves this story and has it memorized. That was the first step to reading for me.

3. I have read a lot of books. That is the understatement of the century, but I can't even begin to guess at the number. It has to be in the thousands.

4. This is quite a bit due to the fact that I'm an only child and had plenty of time when I was younger for this activity.

5. And didn't have TV until I was 10.

6. Even with two children, a husband, and a full time job I read almost as much as I used to.

7. Because I frequently choose books over sleep.

8. I read quickly, which has benefited me quite a lot in my life, especially on tests, in English class and when signing contracts.

9. I read quickly enough that I am frequently accused that I must not be reading every word.

10. That is not the case.

11. My favorite author is Robin McKinley. She writes for "youth", but she's wonderful. Her book "Beauty" has been my favorite since I first read it at 14.

12. I've loved plenty of other books and authors though, from a wide variety of genres. Some of my other favorite authors are: Anne McCaffrey, Mercedes Lackey, Andrew Greeley, Stephenie Meyers, Tess Gerritsen, Lynn Kurland, James Patterson, Meg Cabot, Dick Francis, Tamora Pierce, Madeline L'Engle, Iris Johansen, and Julia Quinn.

13. There are more.

14. The best day ever? I would wake up and lay in bed reading for an hour or so, eat some breakfast, get back in bed for another hour or so and read some more, go take a hot bath, book in hand (I have actually showered while reading. Yes, it's possible, the book stays a lot more dry than you would think. Yes, I know that I'm a freak, I'm comfortable with that), read through lunch, get back in bed and read some more, take an afternoon nap, read through dinner, go see a movie (gotta let the eyes look at something farther away for a while), and then read before bed. Of course I would miss the girls on a day like this, but I would be wiling to make that sacrifice once a year or so.

15. I'm grateful every day that my daughters appear to love books as much as I do. I hope it stays that way.


Now go do some reading of your own! Head on over to Sprite's Keeper and check out the other Spins on books.

1 comment:

Sprite's Keeper said...

I have a confession. I've been known to read at traffic lights. I know! It's awful! But I can't go so long with brain numbing nothingness just sucking my brain out! Okay, a small overdramatization, but still! You're linked!